World-renowned researchers, under the leadership of Drs. Laura Baker, Mark Espeland, Miia Kivipelto and Rachel Whitmer, in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association, have initiated efforts to replicate the results of the Finnish trial in the U.S. (to test the generalizability of the FINGER findings in Americans).


Miia Kivipelto. Correspondence. Correspondence to: Prof Miia Kivipelto, Center for Alzheimer Research and Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet, 11330 Stockholm, Sweden. To our knowledge, the Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER)

Denise Albe-Fessard (1916–2003), neuroscientist known for her research into the central nervous system pain pathways; Angélique Arvanitaki (1901–1983), neuroscientist known for her research into the electrical activity of neurons Miia Kivipelto has been the recipient of numerous prizes. In 2009 she was awarded the Academy of Finland Award for Social Impact, and in 2011 the Junior Chamber International Award as Outstanding Young Person, in Finland and Internationally. Miia Kivipelto was appointed professor of clinical geriatric epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet in 2011. CURRICULUM VITAE: Miia Karita Kivipelto 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Date and place of birth: 6 Nov 1973, Alajärvi, Finland Address: Karolinska Institutet, Center for Alzheimer research, Karolinska Vägen 37 A, QA32, 171 64 Solna, Sweden. Phone: +46 73 99 409 22.

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– Vi välkomnar och stödjer initiativet att starta ett institut för hjärnhälsa, säger sjukhusdirektör Karin Thalén . Miia Kivipelto, professor och chef för Tema Åldrande är utsedd till årets ”Neuroscientist of the Year” av Brain Research Society of Finland. Hon får utmärkelsen för sin ”banbrytande och innovativa forskning kring möjligheterna att förebygga och behandla kognitiv svikt och demens”. Namn: Miia Kivipelto Yrke: Specialist i neurologi, professor i klinisk geriatrik.

Jul 19, 2004 a second Karolinska Institute researcher, Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD, says an observational study of almost 1,500 residents of Finland and Sweden Marilyn Albert, PhD, director of the division of cognitive neurosc

Professor Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD, is a specialist geriatrician with a PhD degree in Neurology, and a docent in Neurology and Neuroepidemiology. She is the Chief Executive Officer of the Nordic Brain Network, a multidisciplinary research team of around 100 … The award recognises Professor Miia Kivipelto’s more than 20 years of research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.. Professor Kivipelto was awarded the prize by Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, today.. The Ryman Prize is an annual NZ $250,000 international award for the best work carried out anywhere in the CURRICULUM VITAE: Miia Karita Kivipelto 1.

Miia kivipelto a finnish neuroscientist

Jan 1, 2015 Miia Kivipelto, a scientist in IMI's Alzheimer's disease project EPAD, has received a MetLife Foundation Award for Medical Research in 

Miia kivipelto a finnish neuroscientist

Dementia has been declared a public health priority by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has also prioritized research into dementia prevention. PI: Miia Kivipelto, Most cases of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and dementia are attributable to modifiable vascular and lifestyle-related risk factors, which are not optimally managed in older people.

Miia kivipelto a finnish neuroscientist

The project combines four  Miia Kivipelto har fått stor uppmärksamhet för sina forskningsresultat. I mars 2015 publicerade den medicinska tidskriften Lancet hennes FINGER-studie (Finnish  text: Miia Kivipelto, professor, Center for Alzheimer Research & Aging Research Center, ansats är FINGER-studien (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Trends in Neurosciences 2014: 37; 77-84. 4. Kivipelto M, Solomon A, Ahtiluoto S et al. The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER): Study Design and  Professions Anesthesiology Clinical Medicine Clinical Neuroscience Critical JU in Bulgarian JU in Chinese JU in Finnish JU in French JU in German JU in Laura Fratiglioni, Anne-Marie Boström, Miia Kivipelto och Lars-Olof Wahlund. Dr Sindi arbetar inom Nordic Brain Network-teamet (ledd av professor Miia Kivipelto vid Karolinska Institutet) med fokus på livsinterventioner för demens. Professor Miia Kivipelto, huvudforskaren av FINGER-försöket, tillägger: "FINGER-interventionsmodellen anpassas nu och testas globalt i World Wide  Lista över kvinnliga neurovetenskapsmän - List of women neuroscientists Miia Kivipelto (född 1973), neurovetenskaplig som forskar om demens och  minst via forskning ledd av Miia Kivipelto, som visar att reglering av riskfaktorer för hjärt-kärlsjukdom kan minska risken att få demens.
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Contact. Miia Kivipelto, Professor in Clinical Geriatrics E-mail Phone +46 73 994 09 22 Professor Miia Kivipelto. Professor Miia Kivipelto is a Finnish neuroscientist who was recognized as Neuroscientist of the Year by the Brain Research Society of Finland at a conference in May 2018. Her work involves increasing understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and promoting patient well-being. Professor Kivipelto is originally from Finland and is the principal investigator for the world-leading Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability.

Professor Kivipelto is originally from Finland and is the principal investigator for the world-leading Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability. Known as the FINGER study, it was the first large scale trial that showed multi-domain lifestyle-based interventions can reduce the risk of cognitive and functional decline among elderly persons who have Miia Kivipelto) funded by King Baudoin Foundation in Brussels. • TMThe Stroke Riskometer App: validation of a data collection tool and stroke risk predictor (Co-investigator: Miia Kivipelto, also member and co-author of the Strok Riskometer Writing Group). Collaboration with Professor Valery Feigin, AUT University, New Zealand.
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Recently, a Finnish study known as FINGER (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and isability)D led by Dr. Miia Kivipelto showed that a two-year combination of lifestyle intervention approaches including physical exercise, a healthy diet, cognitive stimulation, and monitoring of heart health risk factors -

Hon får utmärkelsen för sin ”banbrytande och innovativa forskning kring möjligheterna att förebygga och behandla kognitiv svikt och demens”. Namn: Miia Kivipelto Yrke: Specialist i neurologi, professor i klinisk geriatrik. Ålder: 45 år. Bor: I Stockholm.

Background: Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER) is a multi-center, randomized, controlled trial ongoing in Finland. Materials: Participants (1200 individuals at risk of cognitive decline) are recruited from previous population-based non-intervention studies. Inclusion criteria are CAIDE Dementia Risk Score ≥6 and cognitive performance

(IF 21.9). 3) Tolppanen AM, Solomon A, Kulmala J, Kåreholt I, Ngandu T, Rusanen M, Laatikainen T, Soininen H, Kivipelto M. Leisure-time physical activity from mid- to late life, body mass index, and risk of Professor Miia Kivipelto, Karolinska Institutet and Associate Professor Maris Hartmanis, previously CEO of Medivir, are the initiators of the institute. “We can prevent dementia. I believe that more than 30 per cent of all cases of Alzheimer´s disease is related to factors that can be influenced, such as blood pressure, depression, diabetes and physical activity. I Geras Solutions verktyg finner du ett riskreduktionsverktyg som är baserat på delar av den randomiserade kliniska FINGER-studien (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability) som genomfördes under ledning av professor Miia Kivipelto. Between Sept 7, 2009, and Nov 24, 2011, we screened 2654 individuals and randomly assigned 1260 to the intervention group (n=631) or control group (n=629).

Aktuell: En av initiativtagarna till ett nytt forskningsinstitut för hjärnhälsa, Fingers Brain Health Institute (, vars verksamhet baseras på rön från den så kallade FINGER-studien (Finnish geriatric intervention study to prevent cognitive impairment and Miia Kivipelto's 464 research works with 36,567 citations and 6,410 reads, including: Research diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer’s disease: findings from the LipiDiDiet randomized controlled trial World-Wide FINGERS (WW-FINGERS) is the first global network of clinical trials for risk reduction and prevention of dementia and Alzheimer's disease through multidomain interventions. The network convenes research teams from over 30 countries, and is led by Professor Miia Kivipelto … Miia K. Kivipelto (born 1973) is a Finnish neuroscientist and professor at the University of Eastern Finland and Karolinska Institute. Her research focuses on dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 2020-04-26 2018-05-14 Biography Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD, is Professor in Clinical Geriatrics at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Center for Alzheimer Research and senior geriatrician and Director for Research & Development of Theme Aging at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.